Sourcesafe VS2005 - Source code project contains more than one...




I'm at my wits end.

Access 2003 (secured) .mdb and VSS2005.

Just started using source code control.

When I add the database to VSS it all works fine except when I go back to
the newly created database, when I open it I get the message

"The source code control project contains more than one database name file.
In order to avoid conflicts, you should run Sourcesafe and remove the extra

I have tried deleting the .mdb and .scc files, the database, creating a new
database again etc and to no avail.

If I do the same process with a dummy database (a testform, table, query
etc) it all works fine - it only happens when I add the .mdb file we have
been working on since time began (years ago).

Any ideas? Have looked everywhere and haven't a clue... and desperate to get
cracking with another developer so this is realy holding us back.


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