Hi ...
Here is a message I posted in the word.VBA.beginners newsgroup. Cindy
Meister replied and told me to post it here, and to provide additional info.
Here's the original message I posted:
I am using Word 2000, Windows 98 SE.
The table has nine data fields.
APN Salut. Last First Adr1 Adr2 City State Zip
APN is a code number. Salut is Mr, Ms, etc. Use seven fields in the envelope
address I'm trying to print
<<First>> <<Last>>
<<State>> <<Zip>>
Sometimes Adr2 is blank, of course, but I have used this setup in the past
with no problem. Not from a table though, but from entering data in the Word
data entry feature. It looks just like a table, though. Yes, I made sure the
box `Do Not Print Blank Lines' was checked.
Thanks for any assistance.
A man who had lately declared
That property ought to be shared,
Thought it going too far
When they called for his car,
And a list of exceptions prepared.
Thomas Thorneley,
From The Penguin
Book Of Limericks
Here is a message I posted in the word.VBA.beginners newsgroup. Cindy
Meister replied and told me to post it here, and to provide additional info.
Here's the original message I posted:
I am using Word 2000, Windows 98 SE.
The table has nine data fields.
APN Salut. Last First Adr1 Adr2 City State Zip
APN is a code number. Salut is Mr, Ms, etc. Use seven fields in the envelope
address I'm trying to print
<<First>> <<Last>>
<<State>> <<Zip>>
Sometimes Adr2 is blank, of course, but I have used this setup in the past
with no problem. Not from a table though, but from entering data in the Word
data entry feature. It looks just like a table, though. Yes, I made sure the
box `Do Not Print Blank Lines' was checked.
Thanks for any assistance.
A man who had lately declared
That property ought to be shared,
Thought it going too far
When they called for his car,
And a list of exceptions prepared.
Thomas Thorneley,
From The Penguin
Book Of Limericks