Space between the list items: a problem



Hi I have a somewhat weird question:
In 1note, I make the space "btween the list items" 10 pt.
I do this because when i am typing on the keyboard,
I wold like to see the sentences "on the line" which we
always do when writing in out notebooks.
However, through 20-30 lines, because of a whatever reason,
my writings and the line do NOT match i.e. there emerge a space
between my sentences and the lines.

Please try this: go to format, choose "list" then make the "between list
items" 10pt.
then open a page and start to write a sentence on each line. You will see
that after
20-30 lines, the lines and the sentences do not match.
So, how can I silve this problem and what can be the problem to sthis
Thanx in advance.

Irina Yatsenko (MS)

The rule lines are there mostly for ink users to help them write in straight
lines (gives better ink recognition results). You can switch the grid off
though: for current page <View | Rule Lines | None>; for any new page <Tools
| Options | Display > Create all new pages with rule lines -> uncheck


Thanx for your reply but your answer has nothing to do with my question.
I am not trying to get rid off the lines.
I am trying to align the sentences (written in digital letters) with lines.

Irina Yatsenko (MS)

There is no solution to the problem of aligning typed text with rule lines so
I've suggested to switch the grid off


Ok then this can be improved. I hope microsoft is reading these messages or
MVGs are
noting the deficiencies of 1note in their 1note =)

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