spacebar problems



I have a document, saved in Word, that every time I press the spacebar, it
makes a return to the next line. This happens any place in the document.
When I reveal formatting, there is a dot there~kind of like a period only
higher in the line~we've tried everything to delete this "dot"...nothing
works. HOW do we clear this?

Rae Drysdale

The 'dot' is not the problem. It is a non-printing character to show that
there is a space. It will be in every Word document and will show if you
reveal the formatting. Check out that someone hasn't set an AutoCorrect
entry to replace the space with a return.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

And if a space is causing the line to wrap, is it because this is the first
opportunity after a long unbroken URL or the like?

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