Here's the deal then...
If you want to change the spacing manually for each line, you can do that
pretty easily as you type. With your cursor in any given line, hold down Cmd
(Apple/pretzel) and key 0. That will toggle between double and single (so to
speak) paragraph spacinng.
If you want to fix it so those thing happen automatically for a given level
of a list: I paragraphs are double spaced, while A and 1 and below are
single spaced, you can do that fairly easily, but you have to understand a
little bit about styles in order to do it.
If you don't want to read the help files, you are going to have to pay
someone to teach you, or you are going to have to go to the trouble to ask a
very specific question that someone can answer directly.
"How do I?" for something like this requires a longer answer than you think.
Enter "paragraph styles" in your help search field. It will give you a much
better briefing than I can. Once you get the concept, the rest is easy.
Oh. One more thing. You can set things like spacing before and spacing after
a given paragraph by putting your cursor into the paragraph and calling up
Hope this helps a little.
- Bill