Hello all, I hope my note finds you doing well. My problem is with paragraphs
and spacing when I send Outlook email or calendar events with information in
the Notes section. I send a message with single spacing, but when it arrives
to the recipient it has double spaces in between. For example, I may send an
email or calendar event with a note that looks like this:
Contact Information:
Dr. Mary Jane
Department of Nursing
City, State 11111
Phone: 555-555-5555
But when it is received it by the recipient or my manger's calendar (in the
Notes section), it looks like this:
Contact Information:
Dr. Mary Jane
Department of Nursing
City, State 11111
Phone: 555-555-5555
This is absolutely CRAZY MAKING. I never had this issue with Outlook 2003
and I have no idea how to change it. I've tried everything I know how to do.
I changed the default paragraph to single in Word 2007, just in case that was
the problem (assuming Word 2007 is the default editor for Outlook). I also
did this in Outlook as well by opening a new message, selecting the Format
Text tab, choosing Paragraph. I made the Line Spacing single, Spacing before
and after set to zero, and finally I checked the box that says "Don't add
space between paragraphs of the same style." Finally I pressed the Default
button so that all my messages would have this setting going forward (it says
the normal.dot file will be changed)
Despite checking the box that says "Don't add space between paragraphs of
the same style" every time I start a new message and check the Format Text
tab, that box is unchecked! I have to re-check it for every message and
calendar event I send and STILL the messages and notes are arriving with a
double space. I thought perhaps the problem is that my mail format is set as
HTML and thus every hard return is viewed as a new paragraph. I changed my
setting to Rich Text, but it makes absolutely no difference. Lastly, I went
into Tools, Options, Mail Format, Editor Options, Advanced to see if there
was anything I could change. Many of the boxes were already checked (I guess
that was the default setting), but the one which looked like it could make
all the difference was a box called "Default Paragraph Style" and
inexplicably this box is GRAYED OUT!
I am sorry for this super long message, but I did want you to know that I
have really tried everything and cannot figure out what to do. I hope someone
can offer advice and I look forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards,
and spacing when I send Outlook email or calendar events with information in
the Notes section. I send a message with single spacing, but when it arrives
to the recipient it has double spaces in between. For example, I may send an
email or calendar event with a note that looks like this:
Contact Information:
Dr. Mary Jane
Department of Nursing
City, State 11111
Phone: 555-555-5555
But when it is received it by the recipient or my manger's calendar (in the
Notes section), it looks like this:
Contact Information:
Dr. Mary Jane
Department of Nursing
City, State 11111
Phone: 555-555-5555
This is absolutely CRAZY MAKING. I never had this issue with Outlook 2003
and I have no idea how to change it. I've tried everything I know how to do.
I changed the default paragraph to single in Word 2007, just in case that was
the problem (assuming Word 2007 is the default editor for Outlook). I also
did this in Outlook as well by opening a new message, selecting the Format
Text tab, choosing Paragraph. I made the Line Spacing single, Spacing before
and after set to zero, and finally I checked the box that says "Don't add
space between paragraphs of the same style." Finally I pressed the Default
button so that all my messages would have this setting going forward (it says
the normal.dot file will be changed)
Despite checking the box that says "Don't add space between paragraphs of
the same style" every time I start a new message and check the Format Text
tab, that box is unchecked! I have to re-check it for every message and
calendar event I send and STILL the messages and notes are arriving with a
double space. I thought perhaps the problem is that my mail format is set as
HTML and thus every hard return is viewed as a new paragraph. I changed my
setting to Rich Text, but it makes absolutely no difference. Lastly, I went
into Tools, Options, Mail Format, Editor Options, Advanced to see if there
was anything I could change. Many of the boxes were already checked (I guess
that was the default setting), but the one which looked like it could make
all the difference was a box called "Default Paragraph Style" and
inexplicably this box is GRAYED OUT!
I am sorry for this super long message, but I did want you to know that I
have really tried everything and cannot figure out what to do. I hope someone
can offer advice and I look forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards,