Spam blocking (I wish...) 2



Hi all,

(this is the second time I've sent this because the first got wiped from the
server - the paranoid in me is wondering if it was because I used [for
legitimate reasons] a "bad" word which is automatically blocked... so this
time I'm using asterisks...)

I have not had problems with spam up to now (really!). I'm pretty careful
about who I give my e-mail address to and always use a web mail account for
any dubious sign-ups etc. But about a month ago one of my "official" POP
accounts obviously got into the wrong hands (I wish I knew who to sue...)
and since then I've been inundated by mails from Virginia Gibson, Leo S
Faulkner, Boyd Starr and a couple of hundred other "people" trying to get me
to buy prescription drugs from them, convince me that my p***s is too small
or sell me (can you believe it...) the latest spam blocker...

Since then I've spent (literally) hours at a time trying to make Outlook
Express's message rules block this stuff for me - but with very limited
success. The senders never use the same name or address and the subject
matter is so diverse as to make it almost impossible to block. Using single
words is obviously risky because someone might just send you a legitimate
mail containing virtually any word you can think of, and anyway these guys
seem to read my mind: when I include the word "Vicodine" in the list, the
next mail I get refers to "Vic0dine", and when I add "enlarge your p***s"
they come back with "enhance your girth"...

My question is simple: Am I missing something? Is there anything Outlook
Express can do? (and if not, is there anything any other program can do?) Or
once on someone's list am I doomed forever?

Thanks in advance,

Patricia Cardoza - [MVP Outlook]

A couple of suggestions.

1.. Never reply to these people or ask to get off their lists. It's a waste
of time and only confirms you have a valid email address.
2. Give up trying to manage it with OE. Invest a small amount of money in a
spam blocker program. Cloudmark has a good one, so does Sunbelt Software.
Most can be had for under $20 and some are even free. Most have a free
evaluation period during which you can check if they will adequately serve
your needs.

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2003

***Please post all replies to the newsgroups***


Thank you Patricia, I'll take your advice...
The irony of it all is that it is precisely all this spam which leads to a
real sensation of... impotence!

Patricia Cardoza - said:
A couple of suggestions.

1.. Never reply to these people or ask to get off their lists. It's a waste
of time and only confirms you have a valid email address.
2. Give up trying to manage it with OE. Invest a small amount of money in a
spam blocker program. Cloudmark has a good one, so does Sunbelt Software.
Most can be had for under $20 and some are even free. Most have a free
evaluation period during which you can check if they will adequately serve
your needs.

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2003

***Please post all replies to the newsgroups***
Benjo said:
Hi all,

(this is the second time I've sent this because the first got wiped from the
server - the paranoid in me is wondering if it was because I used [for
legitimate reasons] a "bad" word which is automatically blocked... so this
time I'm using asterisks...)

I have not had problems with spam up to now (really!). I'm pretty careful
about who I give my e-mail address to and always use a web mail account for
any dubious sign-ups etc. But about a month ago one of my "official" POP
accounts obviously got into the wrong hands (I wish I knew who to sue...)
and since then I've been inundated by mails from Virginia Gibson, Leo S
Faulkner, Boyd Starr and a couple of hundred other "people" trying to
to buy prescription drugs from them, convince me that my p***s is too small
or sell me (can you believe it...) the latest spam blocker...

Since then I've spent (literally) hours at a time trying to make Outlook
Express's message rules block this stuff for me - but with very limited
success. The senders never use the same name or address and the subject
matter is so diverse as to make it almost impossible to block. Using single
words is obviously risky because someone might just send you a legitimate
mail containing virtually any word you can think of, and anyway these guys
seem to read my mind: when I include the word "Vicodine" in the list, the
next mail I get refers to "Vic0dine", and when I add "enlarge your p***s"
they come back with "enhance your girth"...

My question is simple: Am I missing something? Is there anything Outlook
Express can do? (and if not, is there anything any other program can
once on someone's list am I doomed forever?

Thanks in advance,

Patricia Cardoza - [MVP Outlook]

Ha! Very funny. I never heard it put that way before.

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2003

***Please post all replies to the newsgroups***
Benjo said:
Thank you Patricia, I'll take your advice...
The irony of it all is that it is precisely all this spam which leads to a
real sensation of... impotence!

Patricia Cardoza - said:
A couple of suggestions.

1.. Never reply to these people or ask to get off their lists. It's a waste
of time and only confirms you have a valid email address.
2. Give up trying to manage it with OE. Invest a small amount of money
spam blocker program. Cloudmark has a good one, so does Sunbelt Software.
Most can be had for under $20 and some are even free. Most have a free
evaluation period during which you can check if they will adequately serve
your needs.

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2003

***Please post all replies to the newsgroups***
Benjo said:
Hi all,

(this is the second time I've sent this because the first got wiped
server - the paranoid in me is wondering if it was because I used [for
legitimate reasons] a "bad" word which is automatically blocked... so this
time I'm using asterisks...)

I have not had problems with spam up to now (really!). I'm pretty careful
about who I give my e-mail address to and always use a web mail
any dubious sign-ups etc. But about a month ago one of my "official" POP
accounts obviously got into the wrong hands (I wish I knew who to sue...)
and since then I've been inundated by mails from Virginia Gibson, Leo S
Faulkner, Boyd Starr and a couple of hundred other "people" trying to
to buy prescription drugs from them, convince me that my p***s is too small
or sell me (can you believe it...) the latest spam blocker...

Since then I've spent (literally) hours at a time trying to make Outlook
Express's message rules block this stuff for me - but with very limited
success. The senders never use the same name or address and the subject
matter is so diverse as to make it almost impossible to block. Using single
words is obviously risky because someone might just send you a legitimate
mail containing virtually any word you can think of, and anyway these guys
seem to read my mind: when I include the word "Vicodine" in the list, the
next mail I get refers to "Vic0dine", and when I add "enlarge your p***s"
they come back with "enhance your girth"...

My question is simple: Am I missing something? Is there anything Outlook
Express can do? (and if not, is there anything any other program can
once on someone's list am I doomed forever?

Thanks in advance,

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