Spam filters - using spell checker on inbound email



Recently I get a lot of spam where egregious spelling/typographic mistakes
are used to fool spam filters, e.g. "mort[g]age" or "vi*gra" or "give you a
B a c helors or Masters Deg r e e".
I can apply spelling checker on my outbound email so that it is sent in good
English. On the other hand, I do not have the option to apply spell check on
inbound messages like the ones quoted above; I do not have a criterion
check-box in the "Rules and Alerts" named "Terrible spelling/punctuation" to
filter out this spam category.
Of course, it is a challenge to categorize the type of punctuation errors
and the frequency of them, yet the pattern is noticeable and recognizeable
and, the most important, subject to formal algorithmization. Moreover, it is
possible to anticipate patterns in different languages (say, French or
Spanish) or future pattern changes, and incorporate flexibility in the
euristic spell-check mechanism and pre-empt the "innovation thinking" of the