I see many, many spam posts in these forums. They look at first glance like
a real topic of interest but when clicked on become a link to some stupid get
rich scam or website. I would like to see a link on each post that allows us
to designate it as spam and get it out of the forum. I would say if a post
is spam, that user id should be banned from posting again. I needlessly
click on these and see it's spam when I'm really looking for help. They
should not be allowed to stay in the forums as they junk it up and waste
everyone's time. Thanks!
This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.
a real topic of interest but when clicked on become a link to some stupid get
rich scam or website. I would like to see a link on each post that allows us
to designate it as spam and get it out of the forum. I would say if a post
is spam, that user id should be banned from posting again. I needlessly
click on these and see it's spam when I'm really looking for help. They
should not be allowed to stay in the forums as they junk it up and waste
everyone's time. Thanks!
This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.