spam sent with my email address as sender

  • Thread starter Clayton Halverson
  • Start date

Clayton Halverson

How do I set Outlook to eliminate spam that says it comes from my email
without losing legiitimate emails I send myself.


Diane Poremsky [MVP]


N. Miller

How do I set Outlook to eliminate spam that says it comes from my email
without losing legiitimate emails I send myself.

You will need to use some kind of flag on email that you send yourself from
your affected email address; something you can filter on, while discarding
the rest. I often create a subject line tag, "[TEST]", preceding the actual
subject. I can then filter on that tag, and discard anything else.


Clayton said:
How do I set Outlook to eliminate spam that says it comes from my email
without losing legiitimate emails I send myself.


Define a rule that looks for a global passcode string in the Subject
header. If the passcode is found, do no action and use the stop-clause
(this leaves the passcoded e-mail in your Inbox). Use any string you
want but use something not commonly found in the Subject header. An
example is "#FML" where FML are your first, middle, and last initials
(since usually "#" is followed by a number, not alphabetic characters).
Double up on the pound sign, as in "##FML", or enclose the string, as in
"#FML#". Or use whatever oddball string you want that is not likely to
show up in the Subject header. When you send yourself an e-mail for
whatever reason, be sure to append the passcode to the Subject header.

Define another rule that looks for e-mails with From having your own
e-mail address. Do whatever you want with them. Delete them.
Permanently delete them. Move them into the Junk folder (which has
auto-archiving enabled to permanently delete items over N days old).

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