


Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

starting 2 days ago i was told by everyone that the email they rcv from me has the 'spam' word as the prefix in the subject row, for example Re: [SPAM] + subject. i tried sending an email to myself and i got this 'spam' warning as well. pls adv what to do. desperate..

Ed Kimball

starting 2 days ago i was told by everyone that the email they rcv from
me has the 'spam' word as the prefix in the subject row, for example Re:
[SPAM] + subject. i tried sending an email to myself and i got this
'spam' warning as well. pls adv what to do. desperate..

It means that the server you sent to (the e-mail server for your
recipients) has spam filtering enabled and for some reason decided that
your e-mails were spam.

We see this on occasions with our too and it;s a rela pain. There is
nothing you can do unfortunately,

That doesn't explain why it's hap-pening on mail that "finicky" is sending
to himself (or herself) or why it started 2 days ago.

Perhaps finicky should contact the ISP handling the outgoing mail (the smtp

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Ed Kimball said:
That doesn't explain why it's hap-pening on mail that "finicky" is sending
to himself (or herself) or why it started 2 days ago.

Well it could. I've had the exact same problem myself. Our Net Admin
here implemented a spam filtering mechanism. It wasn't very well
configured and for a while, all my e-mails (and the ones sent by my
boss) were tagged as Spam.
Anything I'd send to myself or to other people on the same domain would
have that tag.

It sure isn't added by Entourage.
Perhaps finicky should contact the ISP handling the outgoing mail (the smtp

The server might indeed be blacklisted.....
I would contact both the ISP hosting the SMTP and the one from the



Ed said:
Well it could. I've had the exact same problem myself. Our Net Admin
here implemented a spam filtering mechanism. It wasn't very well
configured and for a while, all my e-mails (and the ones sent by my
boss) were tagged as Spam.
Anything I'd send to myself or to other people on the same domain would
have that tag.

It sure isn't added by Entourage.

The server might indeed be blacklisted.....
I would contact both the ISP hosting the SMTP and the one from the


--- Mac:MS MVP <> ---
<> - <>
MVPs are not MS employees - Les MVP ne travaillent pas pour MS
Remove "NoSpam" to e-mail me - Retirez "NoSpam" pour m'�crire
think you guys are right. i realized that only emails sent from my home are "spam" but not those from the office and i am using different isp for the 2 places. will contact home isp. tks guys..

Ed Kimball

think you guys are right. i realized that only emails sent from my home are
"spam" but not those from the office and i am using different isp for the 2
places. will contact home isp. tks guys..

Corentin had another good point. Perhaps your home ISP is on the list of
suspected spammers kept by your recipients' ISP, so it might be good to
check (or have your recipients check) that out too.

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