

Katy McDonald


I just received a fax at my work that said that Bill
Gates is running a marketing program to see how many
people use Microsoft. The fax looks like a printed email
that says you should forward it to as many people as
possible and that Bill Gates will send you money
according to how many people you forward it to.

I assume this is a scam. But, my question is, what would
be the purpose of something like that? Especially
because it was faxed. I have nothing to forward, so I
wouldn't be forwarding a virus? Have you heard about
this? Also, it appears to be using Owens Corning email
addresses to appear legitimate for us, since we are a
franchise of Owens Corning.

Just wanted a professional perspective of this.


Scott McDaniel

This newsgroup is devoted to security issues surrounding MS Access, the
database product. That said, you should never respond to email such as this;
any email that says "forward to as many people possible" is ALWAYS a hoax.

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