I use a form to help injured visitor dealing with insurance problems.
Since about 6 month this help form is spamed every day, and the
corresponding form result page grows.
I'm not able to program at all. I have tryed to figure out any relation
according to IP adresses, but it change from post to post. All of theire
Forename are starting with Sandra-
They look as below:
Contact_Forenamne: Sandra-da
Contact_Aftername: Sandra-da
Contact_address: (e-mail address removed)
Contact_address2: (e-mail address removed)
Contact_Postcode: Unknown
Contact_City: Unknown
Contact_Country: Unknown
Contact_PhoneWork: Unknown
Contact_PhoneHome: Unknown
Contact_Fax: Unknown
Contact_Emailaddress: (e-mail address removed)
Remote Name:
Remote User:
HTTP User Agent: Opera/9.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)
Date: 2007-10-07
Time: 04:52
Since about 6 month this help form is spamed every day, and the
corresponding form result page grows.
I'm not able to program at all. I have tryed to figure out any relation
according to IP adresses, but it change from post to post. All of theire
Forename are starting with Sandra-
They look as below:
Contact_Forenamne: Sandra-da
Contact_Aftername: Sandra-da
Contact_address: (e-mail address removed)
Contact_address2: (e-mail address removed)
Contact_Postcode: Unknown
Contact_City: Unknown
Contact_Country: Unknown
Contact_PhoneWork: Unknown
Contact_PhoneHome: Unknown
Contact_Fax: Unknown
Contact_Emailaddress: (e-mail address removed)
Remote Name:
Remote User:
HTTP User Agent: Opera/9.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)
Date: 2007-10-07
Time: 04:52