Ingrid Stewart
Hello Everyone,
I am hoping that someone can tell me how to turn off the
annoying (so say I) tag
<span lang="en-us">
in Frontpage 2002.
For example, say, I type the word "office". Later I
decide to capitalize the word and replace the lower
case "o" with a capital "O", I get the following html
<span lang="en-us">O</span>ffice
Also, in the "Normal" view "ffice" is underlined in red
and the spellchecker questions the spelling of the
word "ffice".
Any constructive advice would be appreciated!
I am hoping that someone can tell me how to turn off the
annoying (so say I) tag
<span lang="en-us">
in Frontpage 2002.
For example, say, I type the word "office". Later I
decide to capitalize the word and replace the lower
case "o" with a capital "O", I get the following html
<span lang="en-us">O</span>ffice
Also, in the "Normal" view "ffice" is underlined in red
and the spellchecker questions the spelling of the
word "ffice".
Any constructive advice would be appreciated!