Spawn 1.8



Hello Jim, I downloaded Spawn 1.8 to fix my problems with 1.7, but I'm
afraid that it isn't working for me at all. I am using FP2000 and
Win95, and Spawn 1.7 wasn't repopulating the fields in an existing

After uninstalling 1.7 and installing 1.8 I highlighted a new item
that had never had a popup. I got a message "Spawn was unable to read
data from a previously inserted popup." I then went to one that had a
popup, Tools, Jimco Addins, Spawn and no box opened up.

Then I uninstalled 1.8 and reinstalled it, chose a new item and got
the message "Object variable or With block variable not set".

So I have now uninstalled 1.8 and reinstalled 1.7 and it is working as
before--does the job but doesn't repopulate the fields, and leaves a
process running sometimes.

I guess it is just the combination of operating system and software,
but I can work around these small problems. Just thought I'd let you

Jim Cheshire \(JIMCO\)

N.Coffey said:
I guess it is just the combination of operating system and software,
but I can work around these small problems. Just thought I'd let you

Hi N.,

Can you please e-mail me the page you are working with? You can find an
e-mail link on my Contact Us page.

Jim Cheshire

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