


When I open a page in IE that has spawn on it I have to click on
the toolbar that comes up saying something about Active controls. Is there
anyway to stop this? If I used Javascript to open a new window would this

Thomas A. Rowe

Spawn is using JavaScript.

This is a user's Windows XP SP2 setting on blocking pop-ups.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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Jim Cheshire \(JIMCO\)

Thomas said:
Spawn is using JavaScript.

This is a user's Windows XP SP2 setting on blocking pop-ups.

No it's not. It is almost certainly caused by running JavaScript on a
disk-based Web site. Once you publish this to the Internet, it won't do

Jim Cheshire

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Thomas A. Rowe

Jim, are you saying Spawn does use JavaScript to popup windows?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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Jim Cheshire \(JIMCO\)

Thomas said:
Jim, are you saying Spawn does use JavaScript to popup windows?

Of course it does, Tom! What I'm saying is that if you get a message in IE
after installing SP2 that says that IE has disallowed active content, it
means that you are browsing a page from a disk location as opposed to a
server location. It does this anytime a page that is being browsed from the
file system contains script.

Jim Cheshire

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Thomas A. Rowe


I know, but it was how your wrote your response to my response.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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Trevor L.

Jim and Thomas,

Yes, I agree with Thomas. Jim's response read as if Spawn doesn't use
Javascript, whereas having used it and actually incorporated the generated
JS into my general JS file, I (as do you both) know that it does.

P.S. I like what it does. I have used it call a slideshow (code courtesy of
Jens) which sits on top of the calling page
Trevor L.

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?

Andrew Murray

The alert message is coming up because of the javascript used generated by
the Spawn addin.

Since you trust the code not to be malicious, just accept/click OK to run
the code.

Note this only occurs locally (disk based web), it shouldn't do this if
you're viewing the page online.

Thomas A. Rowe

Andrew, I know that Spawn uses JavaScript, re-read the post, then you should understand why I asked
the question!!!!

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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Jim Cheshire \(JIMCO\)

Trevor said:
Jim and Thomas,

Yes, I agree with Thomas. Jim's response read as if Spawn doesn't use
Javascript, whereas having used it and actually incorporated the
generated JS into my general JS file, I (as do you both) know that it
P.S. I like what it does. I have used it call a slideshow (code
courtesy of Jens) which sits on top of the calling page

It's perplexing to me that you would think that. Thomas said that the error
was caused by Windows XP SP2 blocking pop-ups. I said this:

"No it's not. It's caused by running JavaScript on a disk-based Web site."

From that, you concluded that I was saying that Spawn isn't running
JavaScript!? :)

Jim Cheshire

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Thomas A. Rowe


I had made two statements in my reply, with the first being that Spawn uses JavaScript. Based on way
you replied, your reply would seem to say "No it's not." for my first statement, and that the rest
of your reply, applied to my second statement.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Jim Cheshire \(JIMCO\)

Thomas said:

I had made two statements in my reply, with the first being that
Spawn uses JavaScript. Based on way you replied, your reply would
seem to say "No it's not." for my first statement, and that the rest
of your reply, applied to my second statement.

You are assuming that my two sentences each stood alone. That would be true
had I replied in two paragraphs. Since I didn't, my two statements were
directly related. Since it was clear in my second sentence that "it"
referred to the error message, there was no implication that "it" referred
to Spawn.

I'm not trying to be picky. I actually find it interesting that many such
misunderstandings occur in written language these days. Such misunderstands
used to be uncommon because writing was commonly used in communication.
Since we have strayed away from writing as the primary method of
communication, our education system no longer focuses on the semantics of
grammar. In my opinion, that is exactly why you see so many people saying
"I hate e-mail as a form of communication because you can never quite tell
what people are saying."

Jim Cheshire

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Thomas A. Rowe


I did understand what you wrote and that it applies to my second statement, but others could read it
the other way.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Trevor L.

Well, an interesting interchange.

It does show that when writing, we may have to be more precise (even to the
extent of being over-precise) because there is no immediate feedback from
the receiver of the communication, as these is when using spoken

I have misunderstood posts on this newsgroup quite often and have also been
misunderstood when I reply.

And I agree this may be why people don't like Email.
Trevor L.

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?

Jim Cheshire \(JIMCO\)

Trevor said:
Well, an interesting interchange.

It does show that when writing, we may have to be more precise (even
to the extent of being over-precise) because there is no immediate
feedback from the receiver of the communication, as these is when
using spoken communication.

I have misunderstood posts on this newsgroup quite often and have
also been misunderstood when I reply.

And I agree this may be why people don't like Email.

E-mail is an interesting thing, as is newsgroup posting. I have a book on
my bookshelf that contains all of the letters that my grandfather wrote to
his family while he was fighting in France during WWI. His letters are an
historical record of his experiences during that war.

These days, people don't write letters. They write e-mails, and e-mails
are temporary. Once they're deleted and purged, they are gone. The result
of that is going to be the loss of history from a personal perspective.

Jim Cheshire

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