on my webpage I make a xls sheet dynamically, available for download.
Opening this xls in textpad opens me a file with <table><tr><td> ... and all
text correctly displayed.
Now when opening the same file in excel, or even wordpad, all characters
with accents on, eg é or à are all badly displayed, resulting in mostly a
combination of an @ with another letter.
Does anyone know the cause, and if so, even a solution?
thank you very much in advance!
Steven De Groote
on my webpage I make a xls sheet dynamically, available for download.
Opening this xls in textpad opens me a file with <table><tr><td> ... and all
text correctly displayed.
Now when opening the same file in excel, or even wordpad, all characters
with accents on, eg é or à are all badly displayed, resulting in mostly a
combination of an @ with another letter.
Does anyone know the cause, and if so, even a solution?
thank you very much in advance!
Steven De Groote