Hi Francis:
Sorry for the delay: some of us have been away "encouraging" Microsoft to do
Question 1: This used to be so easy. In PC Word you type 0x8756, select
it, and press F3. But I can't get that working in Mac Word, now why is
I can see I had to solve this problem before: Look here:
However, there is an easier way in Word 2004:
1) Place the cursor where you want the character
2) In the menu bar, to the left of the clock you will see a flag
representing the keyboard you are using. Click it
3) Select "Show character palette"
4) Find your character (Therefore is number 2234). If you hover over a
character, the character palette puts up a balloon telling you what the
character number is in hexadecimal.
5) Click Insert
6) Click Add to Favourites. The character will then be stored in the
character palette for ready access.
If you wish, you can use Autocorrect for this. AutoCorrect is one of the
more powerful tools in Word.
select the character in Word and go to Tools>Autocorrect. Type the name you
want to use for the character. Each time you type the name, Word will
replace what you have typed with the character. If you decide you don't
want it this time, click the little blue line that appears and choose
"Change back to..."
To get this working properly, the name you choose must be at least five
characters long. To prevent getting prompted all the time, it should not be
a common word. I usually use a per cent sign and the name of the character,
so "%therefore" in this instance.
If it doesn't autocorrect, go to Tools>Autocorrect and ensure that "replace
text as you type" is turned ON.
Question 2:
This is usually not necessary. In PC Word, you can see the whole of the
Unicode character set from Insert>Symbol. Correct the Font to "Normal Text"
and you get the full range of characters: choose the character and click
In Mac Word, you could do this too, but you have to select a font that you
know has a large range of Unicode characters in it. Lucida Grande is a
good choice. Then you have to hunt for your character because they're in no
particular order. I find it too much of a fiddle.
If you know the number of a character, you can type anything you like, but
you have to tell the PC which number base you are using.
The number I gave you is in Hexadecimal (which for some strange reason is
normal for Unicode). So you can enter them on the PC in any application by
holding down the Alt key, then typing a + sign from the Number Keypad (must
be the number keypad) plus the four-digit hexadecimal code for the
character. When you then release the Alt key, Windows will replace the
number with the character.
If the number you have been given is in DECIMAL (base ten) format, as is the
case with 8756, you can enter this in Windows by holding down the Alt key
and typing a 0 followed by the four digit decimal number (must be four
digits). Let go the Alt key and Windows will replace the character.
There's a good discussion of this here:
Question 3:
The entire Unicode character set is here:
Or here:
Hope this helps
Hello John McGhie and matt neuburg
Many thanks for ChrW(8756) and Chrw(176) reply to my good friend John Brady
The macro below works well for the degree sign but not for the 'therefore'
sign which we inserted from Symbols
Question 1
How do we type ChrW(8756) into a Word document or is there a key combination
as Alt+Shirt+8 for the degree sign?
Question 2
What are the key combinations (or means of typing in ChrW(8756) or Chrw(176)
for the same characters out there in the PC world?
Question 3
Where can we find a comprehensive list of character codes on the net?
Many thanks
Francis Hookham
Sub ThereforeDegrees()
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
With Selection.Find
.Text = " " & ChrW(8756)
.Replacement.Text = ChrW(8756) & " "
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
With Selection.Find
.Text = " " & ChrW(176)
.Replacement.Text = ChrW(176) & " "
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
End Sub
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410