• We are revising a document based on comments from the reviewing agency.
• We use the regulation number as part of the page number, e.g., .129-1,
..129-2, .129-3, etc.
• Where revised text forces a new page, we want to keep the original
numbering and number the new page with the original page number plus an alpha
character, e.g., .129-1, .129-1a, .129-1b, .129-2, .129-3, etc.
• How would you accomplish this?
• We use the regulation number as part of the page number, e.g., .129-1,
..129-2, .129-3, etc.
• Where revised text forces a new page, we want to keep the original
numbering and number the new page with the original page number plus an alpha
character, e.g., .129-1, .129-1a, .129-1b, .129-2, .129-3, etc.
• How would you accomplish this?