Yes, you can customize any shortcut menu. To see the shortcut menu
toolbar, select Tools | Customize to dispay the Customize dialog bos.
You can also right-click on the title bar of any toolbar or an
unoccupied area of the main menu bar and choose Customize.
Select the Commands tabl If you want the shortcut menu changes to be
available in every document you use, choose from the Save In
drop-down list in the Customize dialog box.
As soon as you check the box, a toolbar will appear on your screen,
most likely near the top left. Don't press the close button on the
Customize dialog. You can access the Shortcut Menu toolbar only with
the Customize dialog open.
Word divides the shotcut menus into three categories: Text, Table and
Draw. This can help you narrow your search for a particular shortcut
menu among the five dozen or so choices. To add the Paste Special to
the shortcut menu that appears from within regular text, choose the
Text menu on the Shortcut Menu toolbar, then scroll down and select
Now click the Commands tab in the Customize dialog and choose Edit from
the list of Categories on the left. Then, in the list of Commands on
the right, scroll down until you get to Paste Special. Drag it from the
Customize dialog to the Text shortcut menu. Once you release the mouse
button, the Paste Speical command will appear on the shortcut menu.
After you click on Close on the Customize dialog, you'll be able to
right-click and access Paste Special without moving your mouse from the