Special report i need to make



Hi, I'm running Microsoft access version 10 and i need help with a report i
need to make. I need to print out a roster report showing what students show
up on what days. I have boolean variables in the table for each day and it is
quite easy to make a report of the students i want with the days of the week
and a check under which day the student comes in. What I want however,
instead of a check to show up under Monday (or any day) for the students, i
want that students name to appear. So i teacher can just go down the list and
on any given day see the students names very easily. when a student does not
show up that day that row and column can just be blank

Here is a very crude sample of the report a have. a slash is a check

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Jack / /
Brian /
Kelly / / /

Here would be the exact same report but formated the way i want it

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Jack Jack Jack
Brian Brian
Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly

thanks for any help.


Pieter Wijnen

In The Detail_OnFormat Event

Private Sub Detail_OnFormat(FormatCount As Integer, Cancel As Integer)
If FormatCount > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Me.chkMonday.Value = True Then
Me.txtMonday.ControlSource = Me.StudentName.Value
Me.txtMonday.ControlSource = vbNullString
End If
' etc
End Sub



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