Special task creation (1 hour per day)




I have to create a Consulting task in the project. How can I create this.

3day effort which will be done from 1.7.2007 till 28.7.2007.
In this month there are a lot of tasks, but the consultancy is on the
complete month with an effort of 1 hour per day



Xavier said:

I have to create a Consulting task in the project. How can I create this.

3day effort which will be done from 1.7.2007 till 28.7.2007.
In this month there are a lot of tasks, but the consultancy is on the
complete month with an effort of 1 hour per day


One way to handle this is to set the task as Fixed Duration, spanning
the full time from July 1 through July 28. Then in the Work field, enter
20 hours, which is equivalent to 1 hour per day for the 20 working days
from July 1 through July 28.

Note that it doesn't matter if the 20 hours is all done all at once or
spread over the task duration.

Project MCP


Thanks John, but it did not work.
I configured in the task - Advanced:
Fixed duration - Duration 3 days
Efort driven (checked / unchecked)
but when I modifiy Start or Endtime it adjust it for 3 working days at all.

Any suggestion?

Steve House

If your task starts 01 July and ends 28 July, it is not a 3 day duration
task. A three day duration task starting 02 July would end at the end of
the workday on 04 July by definition. Duration is the number of hours when
work might take place between start and end and if you're using the
standard calendar the dates you mentioned work out to about a 20 day
duration task. (Since the 1st and the 28th are Sundays I don't know what
your working time calendar calls for as workdays, hence the 'about'.) Don't
confuse duration (time) with work (effort). If the resource works an
average of 1 hour per working day in your example, he is doing 20 hours of
work spread out over 20 days of duration, corresponding to an assignment
percentage of about 12%.

Don't modify the start and end times - you should not be setting starts and
ends for any of your tasks. In fact, attempting to set them actually sets
constraints, not the start or end dates per se. With certain exceptions,
those are calculated values - indeed, the primary reason MSP exists at all
is to calculate those dates for you.


Xavier said:
Thanks John, but it did not work.
I configured in the task - Advanced:
Fixed duration - Duration 3 days
Efort driven (checked / unchecked)
but when I modifiy Start or Endtime it adjust it for 3 working days at all.

Any suggestion?

It looks like Steve filled in all the missing blanks.

Project MVP


Thanks for your answer, sorry I have still a question.
I have some external consultants. For this project there are allocated 20
hours, but i want to leave free when it will do this depending on other
projects. That means I want to dedicate 20 hours in the period from July 1
through July 28. Must I work with a resource of 12%?

This is not correct because the resource will be on some days for this
project 0% on other 50% or 80%. That means there are other project tasks
which are more important and have priority 1. For this project it is not
important on which day he will do the job. How should I fill this in the
project plan

I hope you have understood my requirement


Steve House

The assignment level in that case is an average. He could be doing it
all on the first day, a couple of days a week, or averaged out over the
total duration. It really doesn't matter - as the project manager we
really don't need to micromanage his workday, all we care about is that
he knows when he'll be able to start and when he'll have it finished -
the details of HOW he goes about it we'll leave up to him.


Exact, that means that I have to enter a ressource of 12%? Can you please
confirm this.


Steve House

Yep you can set the task duration to 20 days and assign the resource at 12%
and Project will calculate the work at ~ 20 hours. If you need to be exact
a little simple division will give you the exact percentage.



Steve House said:
Yep you can set the task duration to 20 days and assign the resource at 12%
and Project will calculate the work at ~ 20 hours. If you need to be exact
a little simple division will give you the exact percentage.
Steve House [Project MVP]
MS Project Trainer & Consultant
Visit http://www.mvps.org/project/faqs.htm for the FAQs

Xavier said:
Exact, that means that I have to enter a ressource of 12%? Can you please
confirm this.


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