Special Thanks to Steve Easton!




Back in January I had a problem getting the hyperlinks in my web page
to function properly in a Netscape browser and you indicated it was
because I was using VML (vector markup language) graphics on the page,
and that they were only supported by IE.

Well, I just wanted to thank you because I finally got around to fixing
it and using your solution, I got rid of my layers and made them into a
background picture and now my hyperlinks work just fine in Netscape as
well as in Internet Explorer.

I just wanted to thank you again for your invaluable help and patience!
(I still have a long way to go in my understanding of Front Page 2003,
but you certainly helped me during a critical time when I was ready to
pull my hair out!)

Good golly, what would we do without you guys????

Thanks again!


Steve Easton

You're more than welcome, and thank you very much for the reply
I sure understand "ready to pull out your hair," as I have none left. ( well
not much anyway )


Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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