Specific question



Thanks for answering... But indeed I have specific question

The email I receiv is like this...

Beste Carl Verstraete

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What I could do already, is to import the data, but only in 1 cell..
What I want to do is to import this in each different cell..

When I select the body of the email and copy and paste is manual into a
excel sheet, it's all in different cells, so I can work with it easily...
When I import it with VB, it's all in one cell...

Thanks for helping

Tushar Mehta

After pasting into one cell (I assume you meant one cell per row of
data), use the Range collection's TextToColumns method to mimic the
effect of the Data | Text To Columns... command.


Tushar Mehta
MS MVP Excel 2000-2003
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA tutorials and add-ins
Custom Productivity Solutions leveraging MS Office