Hello Bruce,
Follow these steps....
1. Hide your overtime rate field
2. Insert new field cost1
3. Right click on cost1 header and customise fields.
Rename to (for example) "Overtime"
4. Under formular, type "[Standard Rate]*1,5" in the
5. Click ok/ok
6. Type in your std rates as normal... hey presto!!!!
To make this standard....
1. Under Tools/organiser choose the fields tab
2. Click on resources, mark "Overtime(cost1)", press
<<Copy and then close.
From now on in new projects just insert field "overtime"
and you get your 150%
let me know if this is what you were looking for!!!
Kind regards
-----Original Message-----
Is there a way of specifying the overtime rate for a
resource as a function of the standard rate? ie 150%
Also could this be set in the defaults in options?