Specifying overtime rate as percent of standard


Bruce Campbell

Is there a way of specifying the overtime rate for a
resource as a function of the standard rate? ie 150%

Also could this be set in the defaults in options?




Hello Bruce,

Follow these steps....

1. Hide your overtime rate field
2. Insert new field cost1
3. Right click on cost1 header and customise fields.
Rename to (for example) "Overtime"
4. Under formular, type "[Standard Rate]*1,5" in the
5. Click ok/ok
6. Type in your std rates as normal... hey presto!!!!

To make this standard....

1. Under Tools/organiser choose the fields tab
2. Click on resources, mark "Overtime(cost1)", press
<<Copy and then close.

From now on in new projects just insert field "overtime"
and you get your 150%

let me know if this is what you were looking for!!!

Kind regards

Steve House

But can you use that field in the overall costs? Project looks at (work
hours * std rate) + (overtime hours * ot rate) to calcualte the cost of a
task. Your custom field will calculate a rate that we may choose to label
the OT rate but Project won't know how to do anything useful with it.

Steve House
MS Project MVP
Visit http://www.mvps.org/project/faqs.htm for the FAQs

Robert said:
Hello Bruce,

Follow these steps....

1. Hide your overtime rate field
2. Insert new field cost1
3. Right click on cost1 header and customise fields.
Rename to (for example) "Overtime"
4. Under formular, type "[Standard Rate]*1,5" in the
5. Click ok/ok
6. Type in your std rates as normal... hey presto!!!!

To make this standard....

1. Under Tools/organiser choose the fields tab
2. Click on resources, mark "Overtime(cost1)", press
<<Copy and then close.

From now on in new projects just insert field "overtime"
and you get your 150%

let me know if this is what you were looking for!!!

Kind regards
-----Original Message-----
Is there a way of specifying the overtime rate for a
resource as a function of the standard rate? ie 150%

Also could this be set in the defaults in options?




This is where you tell MS Project to do something with it.
At the end of the day it only shows information which you
wish to see

In this instance MS Project uses....

(std.rate*work)+(ovt.work*ovt.rate) = cost

The ovt.rate you wish to calculate OT.rate as 150%. This
will not effect cost value as "cost" uses the standard MSP
formular as above. Instead insert a new custom cost field
(you called it "overall cost") where you include your
updated formular...

Overall Cost = (std.rate*work)+(ovt.work*OT.rate)


-----Original Message-----
But can you use that field in the overall costs? Project looks at (work
hours * std rate) + (overtime hours * ot rate) to calcualte the cost of a
task. Your custom field will calculate a rate that we may choose to label
the OT rate but Project won't know how to do anything useful with it.

Steve House
MS Project MVP
Visit http://www.mvps.org/project/faqs.htm for the FAQs

Robert said:
Hello Bruce,

Follow these steps....

1. Hide your overtime rate field
2. Insert new field cost1
3. Right click on cost1 header and customise fields.
Rename to (for example) "Overtime"
4. Under formular, type "[Standard Rate]*1,5" in the
5. Click ok/ok
6. Type in your std rates as normal... hey presto!!!!

To make this standard....

1. Under Tools/organiser choose the fields tab
2. Click on resources, mark "Overtime(cost1)", press
<<Copy and then close.

From now on in new projects just insert field "overtime"
and you get your 150%

let me know if this is what you were looking for!!!

Kind regards
-----Original Message-----
Is there a way of specifying the overtime rate for a
resource as a function of the standard rate? ie 150%

Also could this be set in the defaults in options?




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