Specifying Webservice param on listbox with infopath



I am a very NEWBIE to Infopath. (Like just installed it a week ago.) I'm
trying to connect a listbox to a Webservice. The Webservice is expecting a
parameter (customer name). I would like to have the user enter the customer
name, click a button which will popluate the listbox based on the results of
the webservice query. Once the results are returned, I want the user to
select the correct location for the customer from the listbox which will
populate other fields on the form. Ideally the listbox will show multiple
fields (customer name, city and state etc...) from the webservice result.

Does anyone know of any great examples I can look at which will help me
accomplish this task?

I'm trying to look at the example in a previous posting from Roger Jennings
(http://www.oakleaf.ws/infopath/nworders.aspx). I receive the
following error when I try to preview the form:

Infopath cannot create a new, blank form.
The form template is invalid.

Details:The following DataObject either cannot be created or cannot be
initialized: Last10Orders
The query cannot be run for the following DataObject: Last10Orders
InfoPath cannot run the specified query.
InfoPath either cannot connect to the data source or the service has timed

Can someone please tell me how to fix this the problem?

Thank you for your help!

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