Speech Engine Issue


Lunatic Lou

I have been having trouble with getting my speech recognition to work, so I
tried going under control panel and opening up "Speech" properties, and I get
the following message,

"The requested task cannot be carried out because the necassary engine could
not be created. Please select a different engine and/or a different audio

I am thinking it is an issue with the speech engine, because the audio
devices I am using are all setup and working fine, (i.e., they are
communicating clearly, my microphone is picking up my voice, etc.), so my
question is, is there any place I can download a new engine? Oh, and one
more thing, when I exit the speech properties, I get this:

An exception occurred while trying to run
C:\Windows\system32\shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL "C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft SHared\Speech\sapi.cpl",Speech"

I can't make head or tails of that. ANyways, any thought would be
appreciated. Peace, Lou

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Lou,

You didn't mention the version of Windows or Office you're using, but you may want to use the link below to post this in the MS
Desktop Speech newsgroup as well.

I have been having trouble with getting my speech recognition to work, so I
tried going under control panel and opening up "Speech" properties, and I get
the following message,

"The requested task cannot be carried out because the necassary engine could
not be created. Please select a different engine and/or a different audio

I am thinking it is an issue with the speech engine, because the audio
devices I am using are all setup and working fine, (i.e., they are
communicating clearly, my microphone is picking up my voice, etc.), so my
question is, is there any place I can download a new engine? Oh, and one
more thing, when I exit the speech properties, I get this:

An exception occurred while trying to run
C:\Windows\system32\shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL "C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft SHared\Speech\sapi.cpl",Speech"

I can't make head or tails of that. ANyways, any thought would be
appreciated. Peace, Lou>>
Please let us know if this has helped,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

A. Specific newsgroup/discussion group mentioned in this message:
or via browser:

B. MS Office Community discussion/newsgroups via Web Browser
Microsoft hosted newsgroups via Outlook Express/newsreader

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