speech recognition crash


lagarto torcido

installed speech recog. a couple weeks ago, trained it for an hour. worked
great. accessed it yesterday. doesn't work. error: "wong engine. choose
another." ??? error: "cannot use this input device. try another." i did.
"cannot use this input device. use another." that's all i got. re-try.
error: "another speech engine is in use." ??? i dont HAVE another speech
program. click "training." error: voice training wizard failed to
initialize. no reason, no hints, no error #, no report- ??? try to repair
Office Pro 2003 from disk. halfway through setup (three times) cannot
install. sorry. send error report. don't wanna try to uninstall/re-install
and chance losing all access if re-install crashes. all other Office
functions seem fine, anyway-just speech recog. any takers? HELP

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