Speech recognition is not working in my classroom.



My lab is running Windows XP and Office XP 2003. I have set up separate
logins for each user, 4 different ones plus myself. My login has
administrative rights and the others are "users" with limited rights.

I've used the machines for speech first time fall 2004 and spring 2005 with
minimal problems. This fall, when new students logged in, we deleted the
previous speech profile of students from the spring and trained new user
profiles. Then, on some of the machines, speech would only work in Voice
Command mode, but nothing happens in Dictation mode.

By chance, I found on those machines that if I log on, with administrative
rights, I can train and speech works. I don't know if it is because I have
admin rights or if it's because I'm the first time user profile for that
login on that machine --or just what the reason is.

My technology people don't know what the problem is. They feel it is a
software issue. Have you heard any other complaints similar?

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