Hi Rahul,
I'd suggest posting to the MS Speech technologies newsgroups on this. They may also refer you to a couple of email discussion
groups that the speech extension developers use. For desktop side speech you can use the link below to access that MS newsgroup.
The MS Speech technologies home page is
Hi Bob,
I am trying to develope speech to text & Speech Recognition on the desktop
using SAPI 5.1 but i am finding diffulties for the grammer, can i write new
grammer if yes which tools is used to write. Actually i have application
which converts the voice to text but the problem is that it applies syntax &
sementec of the English using grammer but i dont want this , I just simply
want whatever i spoke it should be get converted irrespective of its syntax &
semantic. Can you help me out of this problem. <<
Please let us know if this has helped,
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
A. Specific newsgroup/discussion group mentioned in this message:
or via browser:
B. MS Office Community discussion/newsgroups via Web Browser
Microsoft hosted newsgroups via Outlook Express/newsreader