Speeding up form with numerous subforms



I have a pretty complicated form with numerous subforms, and some of
the subforms have subforms as well. I inherited this application and
I'm trying to increase the speed. Some questions:
- Many of the queries underlying the form are "SELECT *" queries. I
changed some of them to "SELECT myval1, myval2, myval3 FROM mytable;"
and it actually seems to have slowed down the load time. Any thoughts?
- Aside from changing the queries per my point above, what are some
other ways of speeding up the form.

I'd appreciate any links or actual advice. Thanks.

Albert D.Kallal

Perhaps some of the sub-forms are behind a tab control?

Often, a nice layout is to have several tabs, and each tab you click on will
display the sub-forms.

It turns out that you can actually place a sub-form CONTROL on a form (in
fact, all sub-forms are just controls). When you click on a particular tab
control, you can THEN have the sub-form load. This approach would presumably
mean that if you have 1, or 14 sub-forms, the load time of the main form
would be rather fast, and not slow down one bit, since the appropriate
sub-form would ONLY be loaded when you click on the tab of your choice....

You could/would use the "on change" event of the tab control...


select case me.mytab.value

case 0
' do nothing

case 1
' load sub-form behind tab 1
me.subTourFriends.SourceObject = "frmFriends"

end select

So, the above tip actually does not load any sub-form faster...but you do
NOT load any of hte sub-forms untill you actually need them....

This speeds things up by a lot....


Thanks for the reply Albert. It does have a tab control so I will try
your suggestion.

Any thoughts on the queries themselves?

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