speek recognation asks for diffrent engine



, when I install ms xp my speech program works for a while then when i turn
off the comp and turn it on later and want to open speech I get this msgs "
could not init. valume meter select diffrent audio input" or
"the request task can't be carried out because the necessary engin could not
be created select a diffrent eng. and/or diffrent audio device". then
"the selected profile could not be used sellec. diffrent profile or creat a
new one and/or check ur audio device"
I have a USB head set Altec Lansing and I run registry repaie pro .
thanks for your help .


KingDavid said:
, when I install ms xp my speech program works for a while then when i
off the comp and turn it on later and want to open speech I get this msgs
could not init. valume meter select diffrent audio input" or
"the request task can't be carried out because the necessary engin could
be created select a diffrent eng. and/or diffrent audio device". then
"the selected profile could not be used sellec. diffrent profile or creat
new one and/or check ur audio device"
I have a USB head set Altec Lansing and I run registry repaie pro .
thanks for your help .

1. To undo the damage that "registry repaie pro " did do, go to
Help | Detect and Repair...
2. Uninstall "registry repaie pro" from your computer.


Hi Steve;
My registry pro repairs many ,sometimes over 100 problems when I run it.
What should I do if I unistall it? then what am I going to do with this
errors which one times was about 700 errors? Do I need this repair done by
reg. pro or no need for it?. Is there any way to run it for repairs and do
something to have speech working good too? Thanks for your help


KingDavid said:
Hi Steve;
My registry pro repairs many ,sometimes over 100 problems when I run it.
What should I do if I unistall it? then what am I going to do with this
errors which one times was about 700 errors? Do I need this repair done
reg. pro or no need for it?. Is there any way to run it for repairs and do
something to have speech working good too? Thanks for your help

The problem that brought you here is real and was caused by your program.
The "problems" and "errors" reported by your program are imaginary.
Do what you want.

Bob I

STOP killing your system with that bogus "registry pro" software. It
mis-identifies keys and removes them causing the problems you are
having. Uninstall it from the computer.


Thank you Bob , and steve I did unist the registry pro and my problem is
over thank you so much


Sorry if I am bothering , can you tell me what you mean by imaginary I did
what you said and my speech is good now thanks just tell me what you mean
by imaginary
Thank you so much

Bob I

The program is "misidentifying keys" and reporting it as a "problem".
The "problem" is "imaginary" as there was not problem with the keys,
only that the software was incorrect.

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