Spell Check Icon - Outlook 2003



I run Windows XP and have recently installed offcie 2003, and migrated in
process from Outlook Express to Outlook. I cannot seem to find a Spell
Checker Icon to add to my tool bar. I have used Microsoft for many years and
many versions and am probably classed as an Intermediate to Advanced user and
have never had a problem setting this up before. Any suggestions or advice
would be most appreciated

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

You can add it to the toolbar in the mail editor while editing/creating a
new mail item.


How? I have followed your suggestion and still cannot locate a spell check
icon in mail editor - add/remove buttons. I have tried serveral times. Help
before I pull the remainder of my hair out!
A walk through instruction would be most appreciated.

Many thanks

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

Try this:
- start a new mail item
- put cursor in the mail body
- View menu > Toolbars > Customize command
- Commands tab
- go to the Tools category and drag spelling button to the toolbar


Thanks very much that worked fine.

Vince Averello said:
Try this:
- start a new mail item
- put cursor in the mail body
- View menu > Toolbars > Customize command
- Commands tab
- go to the Tools category and drag spelling button to the toolbar


This does not work when editing an existing message (EDIT>Edit Message) to
file with changes or corrections or removing excess text. ( f7 does work but
the Icon is not available) any suggestions.?

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