Spell Check Merge fields



I have several merge letters set up for my company and I
am finding that I can not do a spell check on the merged
I run the spelling and grammer check and it says it
completes and then says that it skipped the fields marked
as skip. I went into Tool-Language-Set Language and made
sure the setting was off for each field. I then saved the
document again and it will show the red wavy line until I
have the data from the merge database inserted. Then the
wavy line goes away and the incorrect words are skipped
Any Ideas::
I am running Office Xp with Windows 2000

Charles Kenyon

Answered in spelling grammar newsgroup. Please do not multipost.

In the Microsoft Word newsgroups it is considered bad form to post separate
messages to multiple newsgroups. If you need to post in more than one forum
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appear in both forums, and (5) you won't unnecessarily annoy the people you
are asking for help. This isn't meant to criticize you. We were all
beginners once and the only way to learn is to try. (BTW, a number of the
Microsoft newsgroups don't want posting in more than one newsgroup, period.
Check the FAQ.)
Take a look on the MVP FAQ website under "getting help" for more reasons ase
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