Spell Check Not Working



I have been reading a lot of messages about spell check not working
and have tried some of the suggestions.

I am also getting the message "spell check complete - text marked do
not check spelling was skipped" (or close anyway). I have tried
control A and going to Language/Set Language and sure enough the box
has a gray checkmark for do not check spelling. I uncheck it, check
spelling, close document, open the document again, and once again the
checkmark is there. I have changed the normal.dot template, same

I discovered that the error was showing up in the header and footer,
fixed that. However, every time I close the document and open it
again the same checkmark appears in the document. It seems to be a
part of this particular document. I even had the reveal codes on and
went into each header and footer to see if the error popped up there
(because while I had the reveal formatting codes on, is when I
discovered that the header and footer had the spell check problem),
and seemed to fix the problem there -- no gray checkmark in Lanugage/
Set Language when in headers/footers.

The problem is, this document is being sent to a printer in a week and
will be distributed to 30,000 people. At this point I do not trust
the spell check.

Any suggestions?

Thank you to anyone who may have an idea for me.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Did you select all the text in the document before clearing the check box?

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