Spell check for Office 2007, in at least Word 2007 and Outlook 2007 is not
working. Not only does it not recognize a misspelled word automatically,
when I hit f7 it says all words are spelled correctly. the grammar check
works just fine. It even has a problem with intentionally misspelled words
like asdfasdf. I've checked the proofing options and everything seems to be
checked that needs to be checked. This is a brand new install of Office 2007.
working. Not only does it not recognize a misspelled word automatically,
when I hit f7 it says all words are spelled correctly. the grammar check
works just fine. It even has a problem with intentionally misspelled words
like asdfasdf. I've checked the proofing options and everything seems to be
checked that needs to be checked. This is a brand new install of Office 2007.