Spell check says complete but misspelled words are still there



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: intel

My spell check is not working. I can check the spelling of words I know are wrong, but the spell check does not catch it. I checked the language. It is set to US English. I have checked my preferences. The following are checked:

Check Spelling as you type
Always suggest corrections
Suggest from main dictionary only
Ignore internet and file addresses

The international input is set to English.

What else can I do???


My spell check is not working. I can check the spelling of words I know are
wrong, but the spell check does not catch it. I checked the language. It is
set to US English. I have checked my preferences. The following are checked:

Does this happen with every document? Does it happen with dosuments you

If you're trying to check a document that includes text from an outside
source it is possible for a paragraph or two to be in another language
-- happens to me all the time. I paste in text from French and the paste
retains the language (in the Word sense of language) of the original. In
the case of French it makes the punctuation behave à la française too --
inserts spaces before periods, question marks and so on and the quote
key enters French quotation marks -- the workaraound is to Select the
whole document and then select English (US) under Tools->Language.


No, these are common words like misspell (mispel) and words like independent (indpendent). These are all words I have typed in and have not been inserted.

Thank you for replying.

John McGhie

He's correct: The language marked in your text controls the spelling and
grammar checkers.

If you have marked the text in a language you do not have, the spelling
checker is disabled for those words.


No, these are common words like misspell (mispel) and words like independent
(indpendent). These are all words I have typed in and have not been inserted.

Thank you for replying.

Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


This happens with every document. These are all words I have typed on the keyboard. I checked the language. The language is selected as US English. When I check the language of the words in the document, it is also US English.


Daiya Mitchell

If the same words are always not checked, then it sounds like you added
them to the custom dictionary.

See if the specific steps here help--perhaps the "do not check"
formatting has been added to your document?

In Word> Preferences> Spelling & Grammar, make sure the box labeled
"Hide spelling errors in this document" is UNchecked (and ditto for the
similar box for grammar). You might also click the Check Document button
while there, then recheck the spelling. It's possible that during a
previous spell check the Ignore/Ignore All option was used.


First, thanks for the reply. The hide spelling errors in this documents is unchecked. Also, it does not matter what words I use and misspell. I can start a brand new document and misspell every single word or just a few, and it will not catch or correct any of the words. It is so frustrating.

Thanks again for your replies,

John McGhie

Hi Chris:

There is one more condition that can cause this: if you (or a different
user) has inadvertently "ignored" the word when previously spell-checking
the document.

Go to Word>Preferences>Spelling and Grammar and hit "Recheck Document".

That resets all the "ignores" in the document.

Hope this helps

First, thanks for the reply. The hide spelling errors in this documents is
unchecked. Also, it does not matter what words I use and misspell. I can start
a brand new document and misspell every single word or just a few, and it will
not catch or correct any of the words. It is so frustrating.

Thanks again for your replies,

Don't wait for your answer, click here: http://www.word.mvps.org/

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Thanks again for replying and offering the wonderful advice. This also has been tried. I think I received a bad copy of office, because nothing seems to work. I can open a brand new document and type the following: "I canot trut my spelchek." and it does not catch anything. When I go to preferences and hit the recheck document button, I get the warning message, click OK, and then it says it rechecked the document and still does not find any mistakes. I am just about to give up on word altogether.

Thanks again for all of your replies. I really appreciate the time you have taken on this.


Daiya Mitchell

Pretty much everything we know about this is listed here, under #1 Fixes.

Can you confirm that you tried everything listed, exactly as written? Be
sure to see the heading "Check Your System Setup" And might as well see
if anything listed under #2 helps.

Also, do you *have* English proofing tools in this folder?
Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Shared Applications/Proofing Tools/


Again, thank you for replying.

To answer your question, no, I do not *have* English proofing tool in this folder. I have German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish, but no Enlish. That very well may be my problem. Do you know where I can get it from?

Thanks again,


To everyone, MC, John, Dalya, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is finally resolved. The English was missing from the proofing tool folder. I pulled out the original disc and reinstalled the proofing tools. Now it catches my mistakes.

Thanks again for helping me and keep answering my questions. I hope this is able to help someone else if they get into my predicament.

Also, whoever is in charge of the link with all of the spellcheck issues from word.mvps.org, might want to update the part about checking to make sure the proofing tool folder has the correct language.

Thank you many times over,


Daiya Mitchell

Also, whoever is in charge of the link with all of the spellcheck issues from word.mvps.org, might want to update the part about checking to make sure the proofing tool folder has the correct language.

That'd be me. It's never been the problem before so I didn't think to
add it, but will.


I am having the exact same problem, tried all the ideas listed above, and I DO have the English tools in Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Shared Applications/Proofing Tools/. In fact, this is the first time I have ever used the Spell Check on this system, so there is no chance that someone added all the incorrect words to the dictionary. I am at a total loss! The words are definitely incorrect and it's telling me it's fine.


Very sorry - just figured it out! The program did not recognize the text language (and I did go through and set the language a few times). I have never seen this before...so I guess this is a tip for everyone out there with this issue: Run the Compatibility Report and make sure Word recognizes the language of the document.

Sorry again!

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