spell-check woes


John Garate

Word 2002, Win XP SP-2
I created a word template, but the spell checker won't run on documents
created with the template. Also, the incorrect words are not being
underlined. When I run the spell check I get the message "text marked do not
check spelling was skipped".

Now, the spell check will run witching the template itself (I've opened it
and tried it), and all the usual options are checked (replace text as you
type, automatically use suggestions from the spelling checker, etc.)

I've even run Recheck document in the Spelling & Grammar tab in the
Tools/options window, followed by running the spell check again. I still get
the same message as above.

Any suggestions?

Jay Freedman

Hi John,

The message means exactly what it says: The text is marked with "do
not check spelling". This is an option in the Tools > Language > Set
Language dialog. Select all the text, go to that dialog, and uncheck
the option. Then run Recheck Document again.

John Garate

Yes, I know what it means. I've done this too, to no avail. Also, why should
spell check work ok in the template, but not in the document created by the

Thanks for you help

John Garate

Jay Freedman

Hi John,

When you said "I've done this too, to no avail", do you mean that even after
turning off the "do not check spelling" option for all the text in the
document, you still get the "skipped" message? That would be abnormal and
might indicate document corruption.

What happens if you create a new document based on the template and
immediately run a spell-check? Does any of the text from the template cause
the "not checked" message?

If the preceding answer is no, focus on the new text. Is it being typed into
the new document, or are you pasting it from another document? If the
latter, try pasting with Paste Special > Unformatted Text -- does that avoid
the problem?

Try turning off "Detect language automatically" in the Language dialog
before adding anything to the document -- does that help?

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