Spell Check


Sue Watson

Can anyone help? I recently got a new system that came
with Windows XP home edition loaded. I like to use
Outlook for mail however, this version does not have a
spell check option.

How can I get the option? Can I load it from my old
system? Any help would be appreciated.


For spell check you can best select to use Word as your e-
mail editor (tools->options tab Mail format). Now you'll
have all the features of Word when creating an e-mail,
including spell- and grammarcheck.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

outlook or outlook express?

if outlook, it should be installed with outlook. if express, you need word
or other office program installed. if you have office 97, see:

How To Fix spell checking in Outlook Express 6

Spell check not working in XP Outlook Express

Spell Checker Not Working in Windows XP

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
http://www.poremsky.com - http://www.cdolive.com
Outlook Tips: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/outlook-tips/
Expert Zone http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/expertzone

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