spell check



My spell check is not working at all. When I check the tools and spelling
and grammar it shows that it is checked to check mispelled words and grammar
but it is not. Plesae help as I use this for work and need it corrected.

Thanks so much!

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Specifically which Office application (e.g., Word 2003,
Powerpoint 2007, etc.) do you have this problem with? Do you get
an error message, and if yes, what does the error message say


It is verson 2002 and there is no error message. It is just not identifying
misspelled words.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

This newsgroup is for questions about Microsoft Office. Whatever
"verson 2002" may be, it is not a Microsoft Office application,
nor is it even a Microsoft application of any kind, so your
question is off-topic here.

Earle Horton

Version 2002 is Office XP.


garfield-n-odie said:
This newsgroup is for questions about Microsoft Office. Whatever "verson
2002" may be, it is not a Microsoft Office application, nor is it even a
Microsoft application of any kind, so your question is off-topic here.

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