Spell Check



My spell check has stopped functioning. It works in word but not onenote.
I've tried setting the language and selecting the dictionary but it still
does not work. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled the entire suit twice.
How can i fix this problem?


Erik Sojka (MVP) said:
What error if any do you get? Can you describe the "not working" results?

It opens but simply says that there are no spelling and I cannot interact with it, e.g. type words into the spell checker. Once I close the spell checker Onenote jumps back to the previous page. There was an error message but I cannot recall what it said. It was something like onenote no longer recognizes english spell checker, and then it crashed (which it does occasionally without harming anything and explains why I probably ignored the error message).

Erik Sojka (MVP)

That sounds like an instllation error.

Can you go to the Microsoft Office Diagnostic program (found under the
Microsoft Office Menu under the Start Menu) and run all of the diagnostics?
That should detect and repair any missing files or installation issues.

If perchance you get the error again, can you make a note of the exact
wording of the error message? That will help us if the Diagnostics does
not find the error.


My spell check not working can it be fix. Can I go somewhere to download
something to make it work????/


Ran the diagnostic program twice and now a third time. And it returns with no
errors. I should also say that I installed the suit on another computer and
the spell check is working fine there.


I know this is an old thread, but I have the same issue as the OP.
also have uninstalled and reinstalled several times. I actually hav
put Office 2007 SP1 and KB950150 as well.

Just to add, if I change the default language in Onenote only by goin

Tools -> Set Language and I choose U.K. it will spell check fine. Bu
whenever I use U.S. English it doesn't work. I tried just leaving it o
U.K. language, but since my default for Office 2007 is set to U.S. i
reverts back to U.S. I tried to change my default language usin
Microsoft Office 2007 Language Settings to U.K. but in OneNote th
default language will still remain U.S. even if I open and close On
Note or reboot. I have OneNote installed on another PC and I ran a fil
comparison on the two OneNote folders in the Program files and the file
seem to be the matching up the same. I haven't tried logging in a
another profile and seeing if it will work. Has another have the sam
issue or resolved it. Thanks for your comments or help in advance :


Just to update. I created another user with admin rights and logged i
with that new user. The spell checker in OneNote did work. So now i
is a profile issue I'm assuming

I then backed up the following in my current profile that is giving m
the issue

- C:\Documents and Settings\username\Applicatio
- C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\UProo
- C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Applicatio

Then I opened OneNote again and it did create the new files in thos
folders, but it still wasn't able to use the U.S. dictionary to spel
check, but the U.K. dictionary worked

Also to add, just like the OP I am able to spell check in the othe
2007 apps such as Word, Excel, Outlook, and Powerpoint.

Does any one have any ideas? Thanks


Resolved issue. Had to recreate the registry keys for OneNote for th
login account that had the issue. :


Good question. There were no error messages and others that had simila
issues that I had didn't have any error logs as well in the event log.
Just glad it is resolved. I hope this thread helps others.

One more thing. The solutions above worked for me, but whenever yo
play with the registry there are always different results. I woul
backup registry (that is what I did) and it is at "your own risk a
well". Once again I hope this helps others that may google upon thi
thread and get help :smile

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