Spell checker blocked



New bug under MS Word 2008.

I installed a full version.
Did work nicely until yesterday.
Spell checker works a bit, then gives me that message (I translate, from
french) :
"Spell checking encountered an error during grammatical checking. Word has
closed this session."
Then I have to click OK and cannot check spell anymore.

Sometimes it lets me check a bit, sometimes nothing.
Strangely, this problem began today, after I finally uninstall the last
remnants of Office 2004 from my HD.
Is that related ?

I run a PPC G5 2x2,5 Ghz with 10.4.11 without any problem whatsoever.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

New bug under MS Word 2008.

I installed a full version.
Did work nicely until yesterday.
Spell checker works a bit, then gives me that message (I translate, from
french) :
"Spell checking encountered an error during grammatical checking. Word has
closed this session."
Then I have to click OK and cannot check spell anymore.

it could be a problem with the preferences. Did you try looking into the
Preferences folder to see if trashing some of them helps??

Now....., there is also a problem using different keyboard layouts...
Are you using the French keyboard layout with your Mac or another one
like Swiss or Belgian??



Thnak you, Corentin,

Alrready throwed Microsfot Preferences and relaunch MS office, with no avail.
I know there is a bug with other french languages, I use only French.
New bug under MS Word 2008.
[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]
closed this session."
Then I have to click OK and cannot check spell anymore.

it could be a problem with the preferences. Did you try looking into the
Preferences folder to see if trashing some of them helps??

Now....., there is also a problem using different keyboard layouts...
Are you using the French keyboard layout with your Mac or another one
like Swiss or Belgian??



hellstan said:
Thnak you, Corentin,

Alrready throwed Microsoft Preferences and relaunch MS office, with no avail.
I know there is a bug with other french languages, I use only French.
Meaning I ticked only "French" in International list of languages.
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Thnak you, Corentin,

Alrready throwed Microsfot Preferences and relaunch MS office, with no avail.
I know there is a bug with other french languages, I use only French.

Then your problem is unusual....

Maybe you didn't get all the preferences you needed....

At the root of the Preferences folder:

In the Microsoft sub-folder:
Proofing Tool Preferences

In the Office 2008 sub-sub folder:
Proofing Tools Preferences

I don;t know which of these files has the information about your
proofing tools, but all the ones I listed here could be related.

Then you can also repair the Permissions (dans Utilitaire Disque) and
reboot your Mac.

Any improvement??



Thanx again, Corentin,

In the Microsoft sub-folder:
com.microsoft.Word.prefs.plist not present
com.microsoft.Office.prefs.plist not present
Proofing Tool Preferences done

I've done all the rest.

Problem's back.


In fact, Corentin, when I got in Word Preferences menu entry, and untick
"Check ortograph AND GRAMMAR, problem tends not to reproduce itself.
In fact the error message I get when problem occurs mentions a "grammar
checking error".
But I've got used to meaningless messages from M$oft. ;-))
(like the good old "impossible to save this file ; too many windows opened ;
close windows - memory problem" — when you have 3Gb RAM, just 2 windows
opened and no other apps apart Camino…!!!)

Corentin Cras-Méneur

hellstan said:
In fact, Corentin, when I got in Word Preferences menu entry, and untick
"Check ortograph AND GRAMMAR, problem tends not to reproduce itself.
In fact the error message I get when problem occurs mentions a "grammar
checking error".

really really weird. It could be specific to the French version of
Office (I have the US one), but no one else so far have reported this in
the French group.
I'm running out of options...
An update for Office is planned for tomorrow... with a bit of luck it
will correct the problem,


hellstan via MacKB.com

In fact, there is a running spell check problem with Office, since 2004.
I experimented it, 2004 quitting often while performing a spell check.
Office has been unreliable since Office X. The last stable Office was 1998.

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