Spell checker displays german suggestion & examples for english te



When spell checking an english document using the french version of Word 2002
the program offers suggestions & examples in german. I tried selecting all
and defining the language as english but it still offers german corrections.

Example: (Suggestions)
"Fragment: (überarbeiten?)"

Example: (exerpt from the Office assitant message box)
Falls es sich bei den markierten Wörtern um einen
unvollständigen Satzz handelt, fügen Sie ein Subjekt oder
Verb hinzu oder verbinden Sie den Text mit einem anderen

I've tried spell checking on another system installed in french with the
same result. English version work fine.

Has anyone experienced this anomaly? Does anyone have an idea as to how to
resolve it?

Cindy M.

Hi Tom,

I suppose this could be a problem with the French version - you'd have to ask in
a French newsgroup about this. Please also note that what you're quoting is NOT
spelling, but grammar check. I can make one suggestion, to try and get around
the problem:

Under START/Programs/Microsoft Office/Microsoft Office Tools look for an entry
for the "Language Settings". In there you should be able to control which
languages are enabled (which ones Office will recognize). Remove German from the
list and make sure English is in it. Now see if the German still shows up.

Theoretically, by running Setup again from the Control Panel, and choosing
advanced customization, you could remove the German tools completely.
When spell checking an english document using the french version of Word 2002
the program offers suggestions & examples in german. I tried selecting all
and defining the language as english but it still offers german corrections.

Example: (Suggestions)
"Fragment: (überarbeiten?)"

Example: (exerpt from the Office assitant message box)
Falls es sich bei den markierten Wörtern um einen
unvollständigen Satzz handelt, fügen Sie ein Subjekt oder
Verb hinzu oder verbinden Sie den Text mit einem anderen

I've tried spell checking on another system installed in french with the
same result. English version work fine.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


I've discovered a so so soloution to my problem. If the language is changed
to Enlish US it works as it should. The problem with this method, however, is
that Canadian english is not identical to US english.

If anyone knows of a better soloution (or if Microsoft has a patch that
addresses this bug) I'd be happy to hear from you.

Thanks to all who have responded
