Spell Checker Problem



Dear All
I have a odd issue with One note Spell Checking. For reasons that remain
unclear my spell checker has decided to abandon its UK english setting and
instead become fixated on spanish spell checker. If the UK one is selected it
works for 1 word and then reverts back to spainish. Onenote (SP1) is fine in
all other respects
I have tried repairing the app with no success. A virus scan has proved
negative and all other MS Apps that have spell checkers seem happy wiith UK
english settings.
Has anyone any ideas what the cause is and solution might be- aside from
leaning spainish. Thanks in advance

Regards DFM

Chris H.

:cool: Which version of Word are you running? Are you updated from
office.microsoft.com? Have you asked about this situation in one of the
Office newsgroups?
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


Thanks for your prompt response
I am running Word 2003 sp1 , I run monthly checks to ensure the app is up to
date. Excel, Powerpoint and Word retain thier UK English spell check
dictionary. One Note is the only App that wont retain said dictionary
sttings. Because of this I had not tried any other MS App forums.
If all MS Apps share a common Dictionary and OneNote is struggling I guess I
need to do a full reinstall. but I would be interested to see if other
peoplel have had the same problems

Regards DFM

Chris H.

You might try the repair of OneNote. It does use the Office 2003
dictionary, so perhaps it has had a little indigestion. :cool:
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

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