Spell Checker stopped working


Pete Kilbourne

I have been using Office 98 on a G3-400 PowerBook with
System 9.1 for over 2 years. Suddenly, everytime I try to
use Spell Checker, I get a dialog box telling me "... Text
set to (no proofing) was skipped. To find (no proofing)
text, click Edit/Replace, click More, click Format, click
language and choose (no proofing)." I did that and as far
as I can tell, nothing happened.

Spell checker doesn't work on the document that was open
the first time the dialog box came up, but appears to be
working in other documents.

What did I do to turn (no proofing) on? What do I need to
do to turn it off? I have reinstalled Office 98 to no

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