Spell Checking Browser based forms


Brad Covell

I am aware that spell checking works well with forms that are opened within
the native InfoPath client however if they are opened as a web page the
spell checker does not work. I'm referring to text boxes that users enter
their information in.

Does anybody have a solution for this or suggestions of a third-party
product to use?

I'd like to see this added to Office 14, would be a nice feature to have. It
would be great if it did it automatically but if not, maybe a button could
be added to the Forms Server header or footer that allows the end-user the
ability to spell check their form.



Hi Brad,

We faced a similar problem and found no way to enable spell checking
in browser forms. We finally had to restore to using third party
tools. We are currently using ieSpell (iespell.com), which is free for
personal use but requires licensing for commercial use.

Hope it helps.


Brad Covell

Thanks. I saw that solution out there but was hoping for a built in one. Oh

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