Spell error where word has a footnote superscript



When I insert a footnote MS Word adds a superscipt at the end of the word.
This means that when I run the spell checker, the spell checker thinks the
combination of the text-word plus the superscript footnote number is a new
word. How can I tell MS Word to ignore superscript on a word?



There's a setting in the spellcheck panel for "ignore words contaiing
numbers." I always wondered what that was for!

But it does seem odd that it would take the footnote reference as part
of the word.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Word doesn't mark footnoted text (that is, text to which a footnote
reference has been added using Insert | Reference | Footnote) as misspelled,
but it does mark it as misspelled if you insert superscript numbers

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

There's a setting in the spellcheck panel for "ignore words contaiing
numbers." I always wondered what that was for!

But it does seem odd that it would take the footnote reference as part
of the word.


It sounds like he's doing it right -- "I insert a footnote"; "Word
adds a superscript."

Suzanne S. Barnhill

It sounded that way to me, too, but I can attest that Word does not mark
Words as misspelled just because they have (automatic) footnote references
attached (and I *don't* have "Ignore words with numbers" checked).

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

It sounds like he's doing it right -- "I insert a footnote"; "Word
adds a superscript."


Thanks - I see the problem. These are fottnotes manually added in tables not
via Inder| Reference| Footnote. I will turnoff words with numbers and see
what happens

Many thanks/gary


Since Word _still_ does not have a "Table Footnote" capability (Unlike
FrameMaker), here's what you can do:

Add a new row of cells to the bottom of the table. (Put a border above
but not below it.) Merge all the cells across it.

Create a paragraph style (call it Table Footnote) that includes auto-
numbering, typically in the form a, b, c ....

Apply that format to the paragraph in the new row. For additional
table footnotes, type Enter at the end of each one.

Return to the cell containing the text that needs footnoting, and use
Insert Cross Reference to place the paragraph number of the correct

Format the cross reference with Footnote Reference style.

In the next table you'll need to right-click on the first footnote and
use Restart Numbering, and you'll be back at "a."

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