spellcheck behavior


James Warpup

I have a from with very many controls on it. Each field has to be
spellchecked before moving to the next one. I have two problems. First,
when the spellcheck comes up, the default position is ignore. which means
that you have to press tab 5 times to get to the change option or take your
hands off the keyboard to use the mouse. Both are frustrating and
I don't want them to be able to ignore it at all, it has to be spelled
right, if they try to I would either like an error message or I'd like the
curser to come back to that same field instead of moving on.
Second, I would like to change the default option.



Evidently you have never used a spell-checker if you think 'ignore' is never
Depending on what your text is describing, there may be many words (ie.
people's names or technical terms) that are not included in spell-checkers.
So unless you can guarantee that ignore will never be needed you should not
eliminate it (even supposing that is possible). I have used the spellchecker
with MS Access but it is not really integrated into the design and can cause
unforseen problems.
-- Dorian
"Give someone a fish and they eat for a day; teach someone to fish and they
eat for a lifetime".

James Warpup

That's all very cool. The file WordMerge07Hide.accdb is exactly what i want
to do, but i can't figure out how you did it. Can you offer some more
help... idiot proof step by step instruction would be the most help...



James Warpup

oops wrong reply

To you, there is no reason to fear that a user will want to ignore a
misspelled field. there will be no data that will not be in a dictionary.
The database itself is kind of like a dictionary. the question is: "is it
possible to modify the tab order for the spellcheck function?



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