Spellcheck for Outlook Express



While typing an email, I decided to use my spellcheck in Outlook Express. I
discovered that my spellcheck was in French not English & am unable to
correct this problem without spending any money. I strong believe that
Microsoft should rectify this problem for all of its users without any
expense on the user's part. I visited Yarrowsoft & discovered that there are
many other very unhappy people with the same issue after installing Office
2007. Please advise when Microsoft intends to do to correct this problem so
that it doesn't reach the media!

Rainald Taesler

JD said:
While typing an email, I decided to use my spellcheck in Outlook
Express. I discovered that my spellcheck was in French not English
& am unable to correct this problem without spending any money. I
strong believe that Microsoft should rectify this problem for all
of its users without any expense on the user's part. I visited
Yarrowsoft & discovered that there are many other very unhappy
people with the same issue after installing Office 2007. Please
advise when Microsoft intends to do to correct this problem so that
it doesn't reach the media!

Are you sure that you intended to ask in *this* newsgroup?
It's for *OneNote* and has *nothing* to do with "Outlook Express.

I'd suggest to check the hierarchy of the MS newsgroups again and the
ask in a group for Outlook Express.

This said: For spell-checking Outlook Express uses the MS Office
What is used in so far depends on what is installed.

If the proper dictionaries are present, there's no problem to change the
language for spell-changing in the "Options" dialog.
I f.e. have always been switching between my native German language and
English (for these newsgroups). No problems ever.

P.S. AFAICS there will not be any additional work be done by MS as far
as OE is concerned. It's a thing of past glory and has been succeeded by
"Windows Mail" meanwhile in Vista.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

This newsgroup is for support of OneNote 2003 & 2007 from the Office
Family for PCs. For Outlook Express [OE] support try posting in one of
these newsgroups:
Microsoft.public.inetexplorer.ie4.outlookexpress for OE 4.x
Microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie5.outlookexpress for OE 5.x
Microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie55.outlookexpress for OE 5.5x
Microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress for OE 6.x
Microsoft.public.internet.mail.mac for the Macintosh version of OE

If those groups aren't carried on the news server that's carrying this
Try using msnews.microsoft.com. That's MS's public news server that's
the source
For all the Microsoft.public newsgroups.

Also a good source of Outlook Express info can be found here:

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

Steve Silverwood

P.S. AFAICS there will not be any additional work be done by MS as far
as OE is concerned. It's a thing of past glory and has been succeeded by
"Windows Mail" meanwhile in Vista.

Not only that, but even Windows Mail (the Vista-specific product) has
what looks to me to be a dim future, with Windows Live Mail (and of
course Outlook) being the only way to deal offline or outside of your
web browser with Windows Live email (formerly known as Hotmail).


Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Web: http://kb6ojs.com

Rainald Taesler

Steve said:
Not only that, but even Windows Mail (the Vista-specific product)
has what looks to me to be a dim future, with Windows Live Mail
(and of course Outlook) being the only way to deal offline or
outside of your web browser with Windows Live email (formerly known
as Hotmail).

I always hated Hotmail. And I did not yet check out LiveMail.

Is it really necessary to have Outlook installed to work with mail
Would be terrible. I have Outlook on my system but I hardly ever use it
for mail - only in special cases, f.e. when I need a receipt for
transmission (which OE and WinMail are unable to produce).


Steve Silverwood

Steve Silverwood wrote:
I always hated Hotmail. And I did not yet check out LiveMail.

Is it really necessary to have Outlook installed to work with mail

No, you can use either Outlook with the required add-on to work with
Windows Live Mail, or you can use the Windows Live Mail application,
installed as part of a suite of Windows Live apps including Windows
Live Messenger, etc. But so far as I know, those are the only two
programs that will provide for dealing with Windows Live Mail messages
offline. WLM does not provide POP or IMAP access.
Would be terrible. I have Outlook on my system but I hardly ever use it
for mail - only in special cases, f.e. when I need a receipt for
transmission (which OE and WinMail are unable to produce).

I don't know if Windows Live Mail provides for that capability, guess
it's something to check out, but I don't use WLM that much outside of


Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Web: http://kb6ojs.com

Rainald Taesler

Steve said:
No, you can use either Outlook with the required add-on to work with
Windows Live Mail, or you can use the Windows Live Mail application,
installed as part of a suite of Windows Live apps including Windows
Live Messenger, etc. But so far as I know, those are the only two
programs that will provide for dealing with Windows Live Mail
messages offline.

Thanks for the info.
WLM does not provide POP or IMAP access.

No POP an no IMAP - so what might it be good for?
I thought that it would be a complete mail-handler.
I don't know if Windows Live Mail provides for that capability,
guess it's something to check out, but I don't use WLM that much
outside of Outlook.

I never even had a look at it.
Seems that I should do that.


Steve Silverwood

No POP an no IMAP - so what might it be good for?
I thought that it would be a complete mail-handler.

It provides its own sort of IMAP emulation of sorts, but it's not true
IMAP. Everything's done via HTML (and I presume a bit of XML in there
somewhere, considering how much Microsoft is getting into that area*),
and copies of messages are stored locally much like IMAP does, but
it's not true IMAP. I guess I should have made that a little clearer.
I never even had a look at it.
Seems that I should do that.

The Windows Live Mail client in Windows (XP and later, downloadable
for free) works just fine with the Windows Live Mail service, and you
can add the capability to Outlook via the Outlook Connector.**


Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Email: (e-mail address removed)
Web: http://kb6ojs.com

*If you want to see just how far Microsoft has gone the XML route, try
this: take a Word 2007 .docx file and change the extension to .zip,
then open it up as you would a .zip file. Look at the contents.
You'll be amazed.

**The Outlook Connector, last I looked, was technically still in beta
but I have yet to find any bug worth reporting -- which produces
some mixed emotions: I'm glad it's so solid, but I would love to be
the guy that found the gynormous bug that would make me super-
desirable to Microsoft as a beta tester!!! :D

Rainald Taesler

Thanks for your explanations.
So far I do not see any need for installing Live Mail.
WinMail works just fine.



JD said:
While typing an email, I decided to use my spellcheck in Outlook Express. I
discovered that my spellcheck was in French not English & am unable to
correct this problem without spending any money. I strong believe that
Microsoft should rectify this problem for all of its users without any
expense on the user's part. I visited Yarrowsoft & discovered that there are
many other very unhappy people with the same issue after installing Office
2007. Please advise when Microsoft intends to do to correct this problem so
that it doesn't reach the media!


JD your damn right i like my spell check and i can't use it because it not
available in english!!!! what up with that! let me know if you get an answer
to fix this .Thanks TA

Rainald Taesler

TA said:
JD your damn right i like my spell check and i can't use it because
it not available in english!!!! what up with that! let me know if
you get an answer to fix this.

I'd suggest to ask in the Outlook Express newsgroup:


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