SpellCheck Macro


Susan H. White

Created a template, followed precisely the Rado,Coan,Zeelenberg,Monk and
Whitfield six page instructions for creating the SpellCheck Macro. Then
followed your instructions to Gordon for adding the SpellCheck Button to the
toolbar in place of the old one.

On testing, however, I get the message about macro security settings. I've
lowered my setting to Medium. I've gone in and attached the template with its
macro included. The macro is definitely in place. So what can I try now?

I would really appreciate your help. Like everyone else, I'm on deadline to
produce a working product. Thank you, Susan

Klaus Linke

Hi Susan,

Is the template in your template folder? If it's somewhere else (not in a
"trusted" location), you'll get those messages.


Graham Mayor

Tools > options > security > macro security > Trusted Publishers > Check
'trust all installed templates and add-ins'

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Susan H. White

Yes, Graham, I did that too and keep double checking that it's still checked.
But thanks! I'm absolutely baffled! Susan

Susan H. White

Graham: When I created the new spellcheck button and substituted it for the
old one, per your instructions to Gordon earlier, the new button named itself
"Normal.New Macros.Spellchecker" Is that a clue? Shouldn't it make reference
to the name of the actual template in which it is written?

Graham Mayor

It sounds like you have saved the macro in normal.dot rather than your

Open the template for editing.

Open the vba editor and create a new module in your template project. Cut
and paste the macro from the normal project NewMacros module to the new
module in the template project.

See http://www.gmayor.com/installing_macro.htm

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Susan H. White

Yes, Yes Graham! That was it. I followed your idiot's guide and the damned
thing is working like a charm. Thank you so much! My template now has two
toolbar spellcheck buttons - one the working one, the other the .normal one
and I can't figure out how to get rid of the .normal one. But it doesn't do
anything and the other one has taken over. I really appreciate your patience!

Graham Mayor

Select the unwanted button then use ALT+drag to drag it off the toolbar.
Save the template when prompted.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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